About Aulton
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Special Delivery

He also participated in his school costume parade. He got so many compliments on his cute UPS uniform.

We also went to our church Halloween party that week and, of course, did some trick-or-treating around the neighborhood on Halloween night. We were lucky enough to have Aulton's cousins, Karsyn, Adyin and Fynley join us! We love Halloween and I was so happy that Aulton kept his hat on half of the time!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A "Fair" Day

So, we made a day of it. 

We took Aulton on several rides, we visited the farm house where Aulton rode on the John Deere
rocker, he and I pretended to be farm people and he and his dad got thrown in jail,

Mike played a basketball game and won Aulton a Univeristy of Arizona basketball,

and we, of course, ate (way too much fried food). We had a really fun day and it wasn't even that crowded and the weather was absolutely beautiful!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Growing Like a Weed
So many people have been telling me how tall Aulton is getting. Obviously, when you see your child everyday you don't notice those subtle changes. However, the other day he accidentally hit his head on the kitchen counter, which is pretty high. I decided I better find out how tall he really is. I got out my tape measure, took off his shoes, marked the top of his head on the wall and found out he IS tall. Aulton is now just a 1/4 inch shy of 40 inches. Today I weighed him, to get the whole picture. He is 37 pounds . . .still my tall and skinny guy.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
My Baby Started School

Aulton officially started school September 29th. He goes Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:15 am until 11:45 am. It is a little bittersweet, as I know that he needs someone more trained to start teaching him, but I still feel like he is too little to go to school. Honestly, he's not even three yet. However, he was very excited to go the first day. He didn't even cry when I left him. He is unwilling to wear his backpack, so we will keep working on that.
His teachers feel he is adjusting well, but he definitely needs more time to get used to the routine and schedule. And he is giving those teachers a run for their money. Today (Tuesday) when I picked him up, he has throroughly convinced his teacher, the two aides and the physical therapist that he is unable to walk. He falls down every couple of steps, they say and will slump to the floor as soon as they take his hand. So, they have started transporting him in a wagon. I tried to explain that Aulton is smarter than he is sometimes given credit. When he started to tire of therapy visits, he pretended to fall asleep. He was very convincing. Now, he has found another way to avoid work. I'm glad he is so creative, but I'm sure the jig will be up soon!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Aulton's Sleep Schedule is a NIGHTMARE

Don't let his peaceful expression trick you. In this dream, he's plotting ways to make his mother crazy. I'm kidding, of course. I'm just frustrated with Aulton's sleep schedule and I have been for the last several months. He believes he only needs 7 or 8 hours of sleep a night. I disagree. And so do experts!! We have tried several things to get him to sleep a little longer including
- putting him in his big boy bed (which he hates at night, but will occasionally nap in)
- blocking all light out of his room
- installing a white noise machine in his room
- taking him to the pediatrician for suggestions
- giving him melatonin at night
- manipulating his schedule for earlier bedtimes, shorter naps, earlier naps, later bedtimes, no naps, etc.
- buying a sleep book
- letting him listen to a CD to fall asleep
Nothing has worked! Aulton generally wakes at 4:30 or 5:30 am no matter what time he goes to bed. Lately, however, he has been waking between the hours of 12:50 am and 3:30 am wanting to get out of bed and start the day. This makes his nap schedule really strange and unpredictable, which I hate. It makes it very difficult for me to plan our day. Also, he ends up being pretty tired more often than a 2 1/2-year-old should be because I really can't let him nap all day.
His saving grace, along with the fact that he is so darn cute, is that he is fairly good at entertaining himself when he does wake up early. I'm hoping the start of preschool in a week and half!! will make a big difference. We'll have to wait and see.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Aulton's FAVORITE Place
In Arizona, kids don't run through sprinklers, they play on spash pads. Little parks all around Phoenix install fountains for kids to play in. Some people really hate them because the water recirculates and can be kind of gross. However, my son LOVES them. And usually Aulton gets whatever he wants. So, we make a trip to the nearest splash pad almost weekly.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Grubbs' Family Reunion
This vacation was really special because everyone was there, except for our nephew, Adam, who is serving an LDS mission in Louisiana. We missed him, but he couldn't be doing anything better right now. Here are all the grandkids (Brandon, Aulton, Ethan, Isaac, Lauren, Diane, Fynley, Karsyn, Aydin, Anna and Eryk) and a few other highlights from our trip, including hiking and playing in the White River. Also, don't we look cute as a family of four?? Still wishing for a baby and loving the ones that I'm around.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Aulton's 2008 Schedule
Monday - Developmental Specialist
Tuesday - Speech Therapy
Wednesday - Physical Therapy
Thursday - Music Therapy
Friday - Occupational Therapy
As you can see, Aulton keeps my life very busy. I'm so grateful for all of his wonderful therapists and the things they teach me to help him.
New developments:
Aulton is getting glasses. Aulton sees an eye doctor every year to check for cataracts that can result from having myotonic dystrophy. The doctor discovered that Aulton is far-sighted in both eyes, a result of genetics. His right eye is more severely affected than his left eye. If we chose not to get the glasses, he could have lost sight in his weaker eye. The doctor is confident that his fine and gross motor skills will improve once he adapts to the glasses. I'm excited to see what happens!
Aulton has recently started to lift a ball above his head, he's also throwing, catching and kicking balls. In music therapy, he has been using both hands to play the metalaphone and to beat drums. In the past, his left side has always been much weaker than his right. So, this is a great step for him.
Last week in speech, Aulton said "go" and "t" for trains. Yesterday, he said "ca" for his friend Cal. He is always making new sounds. I can't wait for him to gain more facial muscle strength and confidence to talk more.
Tuesday - Speech Therapy
Wednesday - Physical Therapy
Thursday - Music Therapy
Friday - Occupational Therapy
As you can see, Aulton keeps my life very busy. I'm so grateful for all of his wonderful therapists and the things they teach me to help him.
New developments:
Aulton is getting glasses. Aulton sees an eye doctor every year to check for cataracts that can result from having myotonic dystrophy. The doctor discovered that Aulton is far-sighted in both eyes, a result of genetics. His right eye is more severely affected than his left eye. If we chose not to get the glasses, he could have lost sight in his weaker eye. The doctor is confident that his fine and gross motor skills will improve once he adapts to the glasses. I'm excited to see what happens!
Aulton has recently started to lift a ball above his head, he's also throwing, catching and kicking balls. In music therapy, he has been using both hands to play the metalaphone and to beat drums. In the past, his left side has always been much weaker than his right. So, this is a great step for him.
Last week in speech, Aulton said "go" and "t" for trains. Yesterday, he said "ca" for his friend Cal. He is always making new sounds. I can't wait for him to gain more facial muscle strength and confidence to talk more.
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