Sunday, March 7, 2010

My "Heard"

Something very fun has been happening at our home lately. My children are filling the air with "ba" sounds. For Lyla, this is a typical sound. According to the "chart" that is supposed to tell me when every "normal" thing happens, babies typically start making "b" sounds between 7 and 12 months. It also says she is supposed to start shouting for attention. Umm, I guess she's ahead of the curve on that one.

Aulton, on the other hand, has never been able to make that sound. Myotonic Dystrophy gives children weak facial muscles, which explains Aulton's very kissable, chubby cheeks. The hardest sounds to make are "b", "m" and "p" because a person must bring their lips together to make those sounds. I have been consciously working with Aulton on producing a "b" sound since he was 14 months old. In fact, we work on it EVERYDAY by reading, "Brown Bear, Brown Bear." We also work on it in every speech therapy session. This probably doesn't seem like a big deal to the outside observer, but trust me, it is! This sound, combined with other sounds Aulton already makes, will eventually lead to words and I want so badly to know what my little boy is thinking.

I can't recall the first day it happened, but I remember hearing Aulton in the back seat, saying, "ba, ba, ba". I couldn't believe it. It made me so happy.

Around the same time, Lyla starting making the same sound. I don't know if one inspired the other, or if it was merely coincidence, but I'm so excited for and proud of both of them.

I love my little sheep. BAAAAA!