Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Aulton's Sleep Schedule is a NIGHTMARE

Don't let his peaceful expression trick you. In this dream, he's plotting ways to make his mother crazy. I'm kidding, of course. I'm just frustrated with Aulton's sleep schedule and I have been for the last several months. He believes he only needs 7 or 8 hours of sleep a night. I disagree. And so do experts!! We have tried several things to get him to sleep a little longer including
  • putting him in his big boy bed (which he hates at night, but will occasionally nap in)
  • blocking all light out of his room
  • installing a white noise machine in his room
  • taking him to the pediatrician for suggestions
  • giving him melatonin at night
  • manipulating his schedule for earlier bedtimes, shorter naps, earlier naps, later bedtimes, no naps, etc.
  • buying a sleep book
  • letting him listen to a CD to fall asleep

Nothing has worked! Aulton generally wakes at 4:30 or 5:30 am no matter what time he goes to bed. Lately, however, he has been waking between the hours of 12:50 am and 3:30 am wanting to get out of bed and start the day. This makes his nap schedule really strange and unpredictable, which I hate. It makes it very difficult for me to plan our day. Also, he ends up being pretty tired more often than a 2 1/2-year-old should be because I really can't let him nap all day.

His saving grace, along with the fact that he is so darn cute, is that he is fairly good at entertaining himself when he does wake up early. I'm hoping the start of preschool in a week and half!! will make a big difference. We'll have to wait and see.


Frozen Cacti said...

Poor kid...and poor you! Man I wish there were crystal balls for things like this.

Have you taken him to a sleep specialist or had a sleep study done to see if there is something interrupting his sleep and causing him to wake, like apnea, for instance?

Grubbs Familly said...

definitely thinking about it. Waiting to see if the more consistent schedule will help.

MeganR said...

Ava has woken up between 5:30-6 for months now and I know how you feel about trying everything and it not working. I'm VERY strict about her schedule, but it doesn't seem to matter. Did we do this to our parents?

Monica said...

That is so hard! I hope you figure out what is going on! I know that you like your sleep :)