Thursday, October 16, 2008

A "Fair" Day

I have been begging Mike to take me to the State Fair since we moved to Phoenix, 3 years ago. He's not one for crowds or standing out in the heat that sometimes accompanies the month of October in the city. However, this year, he surprised me by sending me an e-mail about Dora the Explorer appearing at the Fair.

Since our son happens to be obsessed with and completely in love with the cartoon character, Mike decided Aulton needed to see she and Boots the Monkey in person.
So, we made a day of it.
We took Aulton on several rides, we visited the farm house where Aulton rode on the John Deere rocker, he and I pretended to be farm people and he and his dad got thrown in jail,

Mike played a basketball game and won Aulton a Univeristy of Arizona basketball,

and we, of course, ate (way too much fried food). We had a really fun day and it wasn't even that crowded and the weather was absolutely beautiful!


sheila said...

yea for Dora and yea for Mike and the basketball game. Those were my favorite! I haven't been to fair geez I think since High School! that was the first place I ever rode a ride. I was hooked!

AMiller said...

Can I say that I love Dora, too? I often sit and watch it with my kids. I just love the way she gets kids to sit on their couches and yell out, "Map! Backpack! The yellow forest!."

Frozen Cacti said...

Ah...I have fond memories of going to the AZ State Fair.

Aulton must have been in heaven!?!